Warrior Care Packages Program

Warrior Care Packages Project

NGLF Preparing to ship Warrior Care Packages
NGLF Preparing to ship Warrior Care Packages to the front line troops. Support our troops today!

For a donation of $100 we can send a warrior on the front lines a care package of items they need and request thru their chaplains.

Click here to sponsor a Warrior Care Package, using your credit card:


All gifts are tax deductible.  THANK YOU!

Dear Friends & Family of our Deployed Warriors,

The NGLF Warrior Care Package Project you’ve sponsored the past couple of years continues to be a tremendous success and the Unit Commander and Chaplain have asked No Greater Love Foundation to, “please do it again!”

Just like we did last year, we are asking you to sponsor a deployed Warrior for $100.00. We will use those funds to purchase items the warriors need and want and to pay for shipping.

Last year, we sent 80 Care Packages to Warriors deployed in 5 different countries. The Warrior Care Package project was successful in improving morale with the deployed Warriors. NGLF received numerous calls, emails, letters, and text messages from both Warriors and their spouses about how special and important this project is to them.

If you would like to sponsor a Warrior,
please send your tax-deductible donation to:

c/o Larry G Ledford
P. O. Box 688
Clemmons, NC 27012

In the “memo” section of your check, please put: “Warrior Care Package Project.” Once we receive your donation, we will send you the name of the Warrior you will be sponsoring. We encourage you to write an encouraging note to your Warrior and offer to pray for them and their family for as long as they are deployed. Send your note or card to us and we will include it in the Warrior’s Care Package.

We need to get all the Care Packages bought, packaged, and shipped no later than December 1, 2017, so your prompt response is very much appreciated! We must ship them by December 10th, so timing is critical so they get them for Christmas!

Thank you for your prayerful consideration of this important and worthwhile project to support our Warriors and their families! Please do not hesitate to give me a call if you have any questions.

Larry G Ledford
President, No Greater Love Foundation, Inc.

If you would like to help another way or have questions on the items above, feel free to contact us at:    contact@nglfoundation.org